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World Music Concert at Temple Beth Shalom, Wilmington, Delaware

Sunday, March 31, 2019

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Congregation Beth Shalom, 1801 Baynard Boulevard Wilmington, DE, 19802

Tears, Joy and Hope: Yiddish songs written in the Jewish Ghetto will be performed by Harriet Bennish. There will be slide presentations with English translations and a brief history of composers.
The World Music Concert: First Stop Europe is sponsored by Cantor Elisa Abrams Cohn and the music committee of Congregation Beth Shalom. The event is performed by Harriet Bennish, a professional singer from California.

Title of the program is Tears, Joy, and Hope: Yiddish songs written in the Jewish Ghetto with slide presentations of English translations and a brief history of the composers.

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